Sunday 17 May 2015



Nymph: Circe
Admittedly I did have my doubts initially. The Landlady Circe (don't how she would react to being referred to that way) did turn many of my colleagues into pigs after all. However, this is one of the best accommodation sites in the Mediterranean. Leaving can be a bit of a challenge though. And getting her to welcome you as her guest involves a long and complicated process.

Travelling Advice

The Landlady, Circe, is a very difficult person to deal with. Unless you are prepared to avoid her magic, this is not the safest place to stay. I will give you advice, but it would be wiser to speak to Hermes for all the instructions in better detail. You will need a magic herb, Moly. This will prevent her spells and potions from working. Then you must make her swear the great oath of the Blessed Ones to plot no mischief thenceforward. After that you should be fine to enjoy being a guest on Aeaea. Then you must sleep with her.
Probably a place to avoid if you're on your honeymoon. 

Overall Score

Service: 7 - Can vary depending on how much she likes/hates you. Keep on friendly terms, and service is a 10, but get on her bad side, and things can go downhill speedily. Plus, it can be very difficult to leave, even if she isn't as difficult as Calypso. 

Food: 8- Brilliant food as you would expect from someone of Circe's status

Rooms: 10- Again, a palace for an immortal. You wouldn't expect any less really. 

Overall Score: 25/30


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