Sunday 17 May 2015


Calypso: Hopefully she
won't become as attached to
you during your visit

By this stage of my journey I was travelling solo, as the other were...well, dead. Ogygia, like Aeaea was the location of another nymph, Calypso. While she may not be as mischievous as Circe, if she does take a liking to you, as I found out, she is even less likely to let you go. If your as unfortunate as I was, she may even make you her husband and try to keep you there with her forever. 

Travelling Advice

Ultimately, you should be fine as long as she doesn't fall in love with you. As with Circe, she is a nymph, so you must be careful not to get on bad terms. However, try not to get on too good terms either. The trick with Calypso is to find the balance. Or to at least get gods like Athena on your side for in case things go the same way they did for me. 
I know that for me, her and Circe were the reason my journey took ten years (they combined took up 80% of it!), so if you're in a rush, then Ogygia may not be the place for you. If however, you are searching for permenant residence and immortality, then I would suggest you consider it.

Overall Score

Service: 5- Saved my life. Unfortunately she then imprisoned me there for seven years until Hermes sent a message of warning from Zeus, thanks to Athena. Hopefully you won't have the same trouble during your stay. She did give me supplies and helped me build a raft too, though only because she had to.

Food: 8- The food was very good. I'm not going to lie.

Rooms: 8- The accommodation itself wasn't a problem. Would rather have not spent seven years there though.

Overall: 21/30


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